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Automatic data clean up​

Performance can degrade when too much data accumulates in the Pact Broker. Luckily, a lot of the data in a broker instance is "unreachable" and can be removed without affecting the way it operates functionally, as generally speaking, the application (pacticipant) versions that are referenced in the verification and can-i-deploy tasks are either the latest for their branch or tag (eg. verifying the latest pact for a version with tag feat/some-new-feature, main or production) or a fairly recent version of the main line of development (eg. when deploying commit 193d71a4 of the main branch to production).

As of version of the Docker Pact Broker images, an automatic "clean" feature has been included in the image.

Categories of removable data​

A configurable task will run on a cron schedule of your choosing to remove:

  • Overwritten data for application versions
    • Overwritten pacts (these are created when pact is published with the same consumer version but different content from a previous publication - it shouldn't happen if following best practice, but it is technically possible to do)
    • Duplicate verifications (this happens when verification results for the same pact version content are published by the same provider version multiple times - this can happen quite often under normal operation)
  • Historical webhook execution data (except for the very latest execution for each consumer/provider/event)
  • Application versions and their associated tags/pacts/verifications/webhooks that not in the configurable "keep" list (more on this below).

How the application version cleaning works​

To ensure that the data that is still in use is not deleted, a list of "keep" selectors must be configured to specify which application versions (and associated data) should be kept. Any application version not selected by one or more of the keep selectors will (eventually) be deleted. To ensure that the clean up task itself does not impact the performance of the Broker, a limit is placed on the number of application versions that will be deleted at one time. The task will first identify all the application versions to keep, exclude those records, and then delete the oldest [configurable number] of application versions and their associated pacts, verifications, tags, webhook executions, and any orphan pact versions.

Configuring the "keep" selectors​

The keep selectors operate in a very similar way to the consumer version selectors used during verification. Each selector can have the following properties:

  • pacticipant: the name of the pacticipant
  • branch: the name of the branch as a string to indicate a particular branch, or a boolean true to indicate "any version associated with a branch"
  • tag: the name of the tag as a string to indicate a particular tag, or a boolean true to indicate "any version with a tag"
  • latest: if true, then the latest version matching the other selection properties is specified. If false or omitted, all versions matching the other selection properties are specified.
  • max_age: the number of days since it was created, as an integer, for which to keep the application version.

These properties can be used in any combination, except that latest and max_age should not be used together.


  • keep all main versions less than 30 days old: {"max_age": 30, "tag": "main"}
  • keep the latest version for each pacticipant/tag: { "latest": true, "tag": true }
  • keep all versions less than 30 days old: {"max_age": 30}
  • keep all versions for Foo app: {"pacticipant": "Foo"}
  • keep the latest version for each pacticipant: { "latest": true }
  • keep all main versions for Foo app: {"pacticipant": "Foo", "tag": "main"}
  • keep all production versions: { "tag" : " production" }

The selectors combine by "OR", meaning that a version is kept if it matches any of the selectors. So [{"max_age": 30}, { "latest": true, "tag": true }, { "tag": "production" }] would be "keep every version that's less than 30 days old, or is the latest version for every pacticipant/tag, or is a production version".

  • When you deploy an application to production, the relevant application version needs to be tagged in the Pact Broker as the production version, so you need to ensure that you keep any version that you're likely to deploy (or rollback to). Specify a max_age value that is at minimum the number of days it takes between a commit being created and that commit being deployed (with a very comfortable margin of error) and any branch that you deploy from. A reasonable max_age value might be 90 days for the main branch. eg. {"max_age": 90, "tag": "main"}
  • If an application is not under active development, a selector that keeps versions by age limit might not actually select any versions. To ensure that we don't loose those critical "latest" versions for our main line of development or our deployed environments, add a selector with {"tag": true, "latest": true}.
  • For mobile consumers where all production versions of a pact are being verified to ensure backwards compatibility, you will want to keep all production versions by specifying {"pacticipant": "<YourMobileConsumerName>", "tag": "production"}. This is not required for applications that run as a single deployed production instance.

Initial clean strategy​

If you have a very large database, and you are just now enabling the clean, the initial clean up might take some time. To ensure that the clean does not have an impact on the performance of the Broker, it is recommended to set the cron schedule to something quite regular for the first day (eg. every 2 minutes), and set the clean limit quite low (eg. 100). Once the task has stopped deleting any more records, set the schedule back to something like once/twice a day, and make sure the clean limit is higher than the number of new versions you expect in that time period.

Configuration options​

pactfoundation/pact-broker Docker image​

See the environment variable documentation here

dius/pact-broker Docker image​

Not released yet.