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Consumer Tests

Contract Testing Process (HTTP)​

Pact is a consumer-driven contract testing tool, which is a fancy way of saying that the API Consumer writes a test to set out its assumptions and needs of its API Provider(s). By unit testing our API client with Pact, it will produce a contract that we can share to our Provider to confirm these assumptions and prevent breaking changes.

The process looks like this:


  1. The consumer writes a unit test of its behaviour using a Mock provided by Pact
  2. Pact writes the interactions into a contract file (as a JSON document)
  3. The consumer publishes the contract to a broker (or shares the file in some other way)
  4. Pact retrieves the contracts and replays the requests against a locally running provider
  5. The provider should stub out its dependencies during a Pact test, to ensure tests are fast and more deterministic.

In this document, we will cover steps 1-3.

Consumer package​

To use the library on your tests, add the pact dependency:

const { PactV3 } = require("@pact-foundation/pact")

The PactV3 class provides the following high-level APIs, they are listed in the order in which they typically get called in the lifecycle of testing a consumer:


Consumer API
new PactV3(options)See constructor options belowCreates a Mock Server test double of your Provider API. The class is not thread safe, but you can run tests in parallel by creating as many instances as you need.
addInteraction(...)V3InteractionRegister an expectation on the Mock Server passing in a full V3Interaction object, which must be called by your test case(s). You can add multiple interactions per server, however it is recommended to only have one. These will be validated and written to a pact if successful. Alternatively, you may setup the interactions calling the builder methods below
given(...)ProviderStateV3The provider state for the interaction
uponReceiving(...)stringThe scenario name. The combination of given and uponReceiving must be unique in the pact file
withRequest(...)V3RequestThe HTTP request info
withRequestBinaryFile(...)-Similar to withRequest however you can also specify a path to a file to upload and its content type
withRequestMultipartFileUpload(...)-Similar to withRequest however you can also specify a path to a file to upload, its content type and the mime part name
willRespondWith(...)V3ResponseThe HTTP response details
withResponseBinaryFile(...)-Similar to withResponse however you can also specify a path to a file to receive and its content type
withResponseMultipartFileUpload(...)-Similar to withResponse however you can also specify a path to a file to receive, its content type and the mime part name
executeTest(...)-Executes a user defined function, passing in details of the dynamic mock service for use in the test. If successful, the pact file is updated
consumeryesstringThe name of the consumer
provideryesstringThe name of the provider
portnonumberThe port to run the mock service on, defaults to a random machine assigned available port
hostnostringThe host to run the mock service, defaults to
tlsnobooleanflag to identify which protocol to be used (default false, HTTP)
dirnostringDirectory to output pact files
lognostringFile to log to
logLevelnostringLog level: one of 'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'error', 'fatal' or 'warn'
specnonumberPact specification version (defaults to 2)
corsnobooleanAllow CORS OPTION requests to be accepted, defaults to false
timeoutnonumberThe time to wait for the mock server tq5o start up in milliseconds. Defaults to 30 seconds (30000)


The first step is to create a test for your API Consumer. The example below uses Mocha, and demonstrates the basic approach:

  1. Create the Pact object
  2. Start the Mock Provider that will stand in for your actual Provider
  3. Add the interactions you expect your consumer code to make when executing the tests
  4. Write your tests - the important thing here is that you test the outbound collaborating function which calls the Provider, and not just issue raw http requests to the Provider. This ensures you are testing your actual running code, just like you would in any other unit test, and that the tests will always remain up to date with what your consumer is doing.
  5. Validate the expected interactions were made between your consumer and the Mock Service
  6. Generate the pact(s)

Check out the examples for more of these.

import { PactV3, MatchersV3 } from '@pact-foundation/pact';

// Create a 'pact' between the two applications in the integration we are testing
const provider = new PactV3({
dir: path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'pacts'),
consumer: 'MyConsumer',
provider: 'MyProvider',

// API Client that will fetch dogs from the Dog API
// This is the target of our Pact test
public getMeDogs = (from: string): AxiosPromise => {
return axios.request({
baseURL: this.url,
params: { from },
headers: { Accept: 'application/json' },
method: 'GET',
url: '/dogs',

const dogExample = { dog: 1 };
const EXPECTED_BODY = MatchersV3.eachLike(dogExample);

describe('GET /dogs', () => {
it('returns an HTTP 200 and a list of docs', () => {
// Arrange: Setup our expected interactions
// We use Pact to mock out the backend API
.given('I have a list of dogs')
.uponReceiving('a request for all dogs with the builder pattern')
method: 'GET',
path: '/dogs',
query: { from: 'today' },
headers: { Accept: 'application/json' },
status: 200,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },

return provider.executeTest((mockserver) => {
// Act: test our API client behaves correctly
// Note we configure the DogService API client dynamically to
// point to the mock service Pact created for us, instead of
// the real one
dogService = new DogService(mockserver.url);
const response = await dogService.getMeDogs('today')

// Assert: check the result

Read on about matching